ESA 1973


How many different ways and how many times can they try to water down what’s left of the Endangered Species Act (ESA)? How can we the people allow them to do it? What will it take for people to wake up and realize what is at stake? When will enough be enough?The ESA is ALL that stands between COUNTLESS wild animals & their habitats and their destruction including unfortunately extinction!

Think about it… How many different ways and how many times can they try to water down what’s left of the Endangered Species Act (ESA)? How can we the people allow them to do it? What will it take for people to wake up and realize what is at stake? When will enough be enough? It’s time to stand up for the ESA like never before! Without that in place and NOT adapted or overwritten, we will lose much much more! What will the ramifications be to the endangered species act from the share act 2406?

what we want: No more collaring wolves, no more gassing wolf dens especially with pups within, no more aerial hunting wolves, no more trapping of any animals, no more denning wolves or using a Judas wolf to hunt wolves, no more using hounds to hunt predators, no more negatively exploiting wolves, maintain, re-establish or create buffer zone in parks, use of PROVEN COST EFFECTIVE NON LETHAL methods to control predators as opposed to lethal methods, the cessation of the destruction of wild life habitats, more justice for wildlife crime and better follow through instead of turning your backs on it, and Dan Ashe removed from office – just to name a few things!

If you value wildlife, then join our fight against the corrupt people and agencies trying to strip them of their protection again! Besides, why would we want anybody who is against wildlife rights to be in office of an agency that is responsible for their well-being anyway?

It is not acceptable that our wildlife is always the first to suffer or be blamed because of human errors or failures, whether intentionally done or by accident and it’s time to stand up and fight for our wildlife so they can live as they were meant to, in peace with itself!

Instead of blaming wildlife or attacking wildlife, we should be blaming ourselves for letting our wildlife down and leaving it to suffer because of our own stupidity

All you are doing is opening the door for more illegal trapping and hunting of wolves, among other atrocities! What makes it even worse is you also sponsor some devastating events as well, as if OUR wildlife is your plaything! Have you ever put yourself on the other end of the barrel and thought about just how wrong your lack of justice really has become? What happened to the USFWS that actually cared about animals in dire need! I can answer that, greed, personal agendas, self-image, just to name a few things that happened!

The ESA is ALL that stands between COUNTLESS wild animals & their habitats and their destruction including unfortunately extinction!
Think about it…